Rocky & The SWEDEN / Boris Split LP, released on today
2022.11.25 [Shop,Information,Media]
Just announced, Rocky & The SWEDEN / Boris Split LP, released on today!!
“Drive away the worthless course of events. Disregarding the state of the world, this split album was realized from the progression of a fated connection.
The truth of a breathless rivalry produced a provocative outcome.
The CD released in Japan sold out through advance orders.
A world-wide vinyl release is coming out from Relapse Records on November 25th.
You can’t escape. Ready the kill switch.”
“くだらねぇ潮流を吹き飛ばす。世情の沙汰をモノともせず、飛躍した因縁によって実現した今回のスプリットアルバム。息もつかせぬせめぎ合いの真相が刺激的な仕上がりとなった。国内盤CDは、予約にて完売。LPは、Relapse Recordsより11月25日全世界同時発売。もう逃がさねぇ。キルスイッチを用意しろ。”
ROCKY & The SWEDEN was formed by veteran members of the Japanese hardcore punk scene in 1996.
Their debut live performance on September 15, 1996 was a surprise appearance at a Boris-arranged “Fangsanalsatan” event. Boris’s own Takeshi was in fact guitarist “Maboroshi SWEDEN” in the earliest days of the band, which to this day was never purposely concealed, but nonetheless is the “progression of a fated connection” after 26 years, perhaps a “karma” which is no longer escapable.
For more than a quarter-century, they have deepened their friendship, ridding ourselves of and dismantling any fixed notions strictly on their own separate paths. They’ve continued to exist while adding layers to their respective approaches toward innovation.
When meeting up again for work on this split release, we can certainly say that it is the “truth of their history.”
There was no cozy relationship with recollections, and they simply continued to experiment with each other’s sharpened “now”.
The thrilling artwork for the ROCKY & The SWEDEN / Boris split release was done by Kosuke Kawamura, a collage artist who has a deep connection with both bands and is making waves not only in the Japanese world of arts but around the globe as well.
All 500 copies of the Japanese CD release have sold out through advance orders.
The anticipated vinyl version, out from extreme music stronghold Relapse Records, drops on November 25 for worldwide consumption.
The recording includes 4 tracks by ROCKY & The SWEDEN and 3 tracks by Boris. In addition to the standard “Kelly Green” vinyl pressing are 3 limited vinyl colors, as well as T-shirts available from the link below.
These are also likely to immediately sell out, so be sure to check it out without delay.
2000 ltd / Kelly Green Standard Gram
300 ltd / Milky Clear with Neon Green, Forest Green and Black Splatter Standard Gram
200 ltd / Neon Green, Black and White Tri Color Merge with Neon Green, Black and White Splatter Standard Gram
100 ltd / Kelly Green with Black Pinwheels and Black Splatter Standard Gram
日本ハードコアパンクシーン百戦錬磨のメンバーにより1996年に結成されたROCKY & The SWEDEN。
国内版CD500枚はすでに予約だけでソールドアウト。待望のアナログバージョンは現代エクストリームミュージックの牙城、Relapse Recordsから11月25日に全世界同時にドロップされる。
ROCKY & The SWEDENは4曲、Borisは3曲を収録。
通常盤”Kelly Green”と更に3種類の限定カラーVinyl、T-ShirtsのPre-Orderが以下リンクにて展開中。
また、日本国内においては高円寺のShop“fuudo brain”の以下リンクからもオーダー可能です。
ROCKY&TheSWEDEN / Boris split LP Relapse recordsからの全世界同時リリース。
通常盤3000円+TAX 限定カラー盤3300円+TAX(国内盤CDは完売)。
『ROCKY & The SWEDEN / Boris Split』
ROCKY & The SWEDEN – Voice
ROCKY & The SWEDEN – Up in smoke
ROCKY & The SWEDEN – Bakugeki blaze
Boris – Blood red
Boris – Killing the observer
Boris – Nosferatou