公演延期のお知らせ・Important Notification
2019.10.11 [Information]
10月13日に公演を予定していた”Z.O.A × Boris” at HIGHですが、台風19号の影響による交通機関の問題とお客様の安全を考慮したうえで、来年3月8日に延期する事になりました。
10月11日 高円寺HIGH
“Z.O.A × Boris at HIGH” which was planned to be held on Oct.13th, is postponed to Mar.8th, 2020, due to the traffic problems caused by Typhoon No.19 and for your safety.
Your ticket for Oct.13th can be used on Mar.8th. And we will let you know about refund later.
Thank you for understanding.
Oct.11th Koenji High