“No” F.O.A.D version pressing, Comeing out soon
2021.06.02 [Media]
A really outstanding release in FOAD’s evergrowing discography!
BORIS “No” LP+flexi disc is coming out soon! The most Hardcore-infused BORIS album to date, their 26th full length recorded in self-isolation due to the pandemic… Exclusive F.O.A.D. version with bonus flexi disc including an unreleased version of their cover of “Fundamental Error” by GUDON, featuring Guy (ORIGIN OF M, ex-GUDON) on bass!! Here’s a short trailer to introduce it, more details will be revealed soon!
アルバム“No”のF.O.A.D ヴァージョンのリリースがアナウンスされました。
このFlexiに収録されているのは、ベースにGUY(ex.GUDON)、ドラムにMUCHIOを迎えたGUDON(愚鈍)の”Fundamental Error” カヴァーの完全新録バージョン。