
清春 x Boris  “HEAVY ROCK BREAKFAST JAPAN TOUR 2024” の一般チケット販売がスタート。お見逃しなく!



We have a Patreon community and a YouTube membership.

Patreon here
Patreon will be bringing you special photos, unreleased and demo soundtracks and more, which you can only find here.
Chatting with the members is also taking place.
We hope you will all  join us.

Youtube Member ship here
There are two classes of YouTube membership ‘Standard’ and ‘Heavy’.
In addition to an indefinite archive of videos from the “Standard” , the “Heavy”  will also feature exclusive videos for the more die-hard fans.
We hope you will join us.


YouTubeメンバーシップには “Standard”と”Heavy”の、2つのクラスがあり、 “Standard”ではBorisのこれまでの主要映像作品のアーカイヴと、随時公開される新作映像が視聴可能。
“Heavy”では、 “Standard”で公開された映像作品のアーカイブが視聴できることに加え、よりダイハードなファン向けの”Heavy”専用限定動画も公開されます。

かつてBorisが主催のシリーズイベント”Fangs Anal Satan”今は亡き伝説のライブハウス高円寺20000V”を代表するイベントの一つであり、国内パワーバイオレンスの胎動にもリンクしていた。
その名を冠したパーティーが2024/11/25(月)@ 新代田 LIVE HOUSE Feverにて再び開催。

本日、植地 毅/TAKESHI UECHI (Dead and Buried)のデザインによるこのイベントのフライヤー画像を公開。彼は初期Borisのメインデザイナーでもあり、今回の”Fangs Anal Satan”開催に際して、当時のToo Muchな「あの感覚」をデザインに落とし込んでもらった。

Borisとのスプリット5inchをリリースするチェコの新世代パワーバイオレンスSkiplife、90年代から活動を続ける盟友Smash Your Face、パワーバイオレンス日本代表Fuck on the Beach、掟ポルシェによる一人デスメタルアーミー、ド・ロドロシテルなど極限の音楽集団が大集合。

2024/11/25(月)@ 新代田 LIVE HOUSE Fever

出演:BorisFuck on the BeachSkiplife(from Czech)Smash Your Faceド・ロドロシテル

LAWSONチケット(Lコード) 72519
チケットぴあ(Pコード) 280-838 

Just announced today, Out 25th November 2024 on 625 Productions & Mighty Morphine Power Violence !!


An international collaboration that bridges the sludge and powerviolence scenes with a strong “This is just hardcore, can’t you see?” (SPAZZ) message. Japan’s legendary BORIS have crafted their unique brand of heavy, amplified drone evil for over three decades and it’s safe to say that this brand new track “Hate” collected here may be their best song to date. As the band’s drummer and vocalist Atsuo describes, the track is executed in “latest Hyper-Power Violence mode.” And, this is BORIS’s first appearance on the 5″ vinyl format! On the flipside is the Czech Republic’s punishing purveyors of powerviolence, SKIPLIFE, who have reignited the spirit of 1990s west coast powerviolence. For this special release, SKIPLIFE dug deep into the past by contributing a powerviolence cover of LOVE’s “7 and 7 Is.” Band members even swapped duties in the recording in order to honour the infamous “crystal meth doomed” drummer switcheroo recordings of this 1966 proto-punk classic. Together, BORIS and SKIPLIFE promote “AMPLIFIED POWER VIOLENCE WORSHIP.” 400 on Purple Vinyl, 100 on Orange vinyl.

『このスプリットシングルはスラッジとパワーバイオレンスを国境を越えて繋ぎ、「これが我々のハードコアだ」というシンプルで強いメッセージが込められたコラボレーション作品である。日本のHeavy Rockの生ける伝説BORISは、30年以上にわたってHeavy/Extreme/Droneミュージックを追求・増幅させ、独自の世界観を確立させてきた。本作に収録されている彼らの新曲「Hate」は、現時点での彼らの最高傑作と言ってもいいだろう。ボーカルのAtsuoが語るようにこのトラックは「最新のハイパー・パワーバイオレンスモード」で演奏されている。そして、これはBorisにとって初めての5インチビニールフォーマットでのリリースとなる。もう片面に収録されているのは、1990年代のUS西海岸パワーバイオレンス・スピリットを現に燃えたぎらせるチェコのSKIPLIFE。彼らはこの特別なリリースのために、自らのルーツミュージックをさらに深く掘り下げ、LOVEの「7 and 7 Is」のパワーバイオレンスカバーを提供。バンドメンバーは、この曲が収録されていた1966年のプロトパンク・クラシック「Da Capo」にまつわる “ヴォーカルのルーを除くメンバーがヘロイン中毒で活動不能となり、ドラマーに交代して録音した” という悪名高いエピソードに敬意を表し、自らもドラムとボーカルのパートを入れ替えた。
この記念すべきコラボレーションは“AMPLIFIED POWER VIOLENCE WORSHIP”を高らかに謳う!!
Purple Vinyl が 400 枚、Orange Vinyl が 100 枚プレス、発売即瞬殺必死のファン垂涎のスプリット。US西海岸パワーバイオレンスの殿堂625THRASHとMighty Morphine Power Violenceによる共同リリース。お楽しみに!!』

Just Announce,  Amplifier Worship 25th Anniversary Edition LP via Third Man Records.
The limited LP features cover art by Aaron Horkey, out Sep. 27th.
See Boris on tour in the U.S. from Sep. 25th – Nov. 3rd.

As Boris prepare for their six-week-long U.S. tour where they’ll perform their beloved first album Amplifier Worship in its entiretythe band announce that they’ve teamed up with Third Man Records for a 25th Anniversary Vinyl release of the album.

The limited / special edition vinyl re-release features cover art by Aaron Horkey by request of Boris, and will be available on the road and in stores on September 27 [pre-order].  Boris comments, “This idea came from Aaron’s real-time experience of ‘gummy worms in the jewel case’ at the time of the ‘Amplifier Worship’ CD release.”  They continue, “The image of the frogs on the original jacket combined with the precise and delicate brushstrokes of Aaron’s style has created a new ‘Amplifier Worship’ world.”

Additionally, Boris have shared a never-before-seen music video on YouTube, featuring vintage performance footage, for Amplifier Worship‘s pummeling album closer “Kuruimizu.”
Check it Out.

11/30から開催される、清春とBorisのカップリングライブ HEAVY ROCK BREACKFAST
JAPAN TOUR 20243DAYS各公演会場にて、コラボシングルCDの販売が決定!
シングルの内容については現時点では発表されていないが、ジャケットが3種類、タイトルの「The Hidden Bloodline(隠されていた血脈)と数字の123の組み合わせが確認できるため、各会場で収録曲が変わることが予想される。


12/04() Umeda Shangri-la

New release today at bandcamp.


This album was first released in Japan in 2014.
At the time, the domestic edition of “NOISE” was released as a 2-disc set, with “ANOTHER NOISE” being the additional disc. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of “NOISE”, the album is now being released with a total of 10 tracks, including the bonus tracks that came with the digital version.

アメリカのAMPHETAMINE REPTILE RecordsからMelvins / Boris split “Twin of Evil”がリリース。
Borisは完全録り下ろしの20分に及ぶ新曲 “Cry -狂叫-“、Melvinsは新作アルバムから”Funny Equals Pain”を収録。

Tom from AmRep says:
This is a good ‘un! Plans were hatched last fall during the Twins Of Evil tour, and now this long playing memento exists!! Boris and Melvins each turning in a 20 minute masterpiece, to say I’m stoked is an understatement. Cover art was a linocut originally done for a tour poster but I thought it wasn’t immediate enough for that use and it got tossed aside. Turns out it makes for pretty swank 12″ sleeve that reflects the mood set by the bands. Melvins side recorded by toshi kasai
Cheapie CD launches June 14th on
Vinyl goes on sale June 30th.
More pix and music samples soon.

Boris North American Tour 2024 “Amplifier Worship Service”

In 2024, Boris will undergo a tour performing all the songs off their first album. We have already reached a quarter-century since the release of that 1st album, “Amplifier Worship”. Boris has been in constant pursuit of their own ideal “heavy” since their formation in 1992. From the outset they became like a chimera, evolving at a rapid pace, establishing a unique style with extreme downtuning and megavolume. Their broad sense of “Heavy Rock” swelled grotesquely, as it engulfed powerviolence, ambient and drone, with a trance component of krautrock and so on.

From Tokyo to the world, Boris spread out from the underground community to have their name become more widely known. Five years after their formation, Boris went deep into the beyond of heavy music to make their first album, one that can be said to be a palace constructed in unexplored realms. However, the album by no means serves as a peaceful “end” or resting place/”gravestone” for those compositions. Rather, it was a map to the “beyond” that Boris drew up at the time, a blueprint pointing to the future. 25 years after the release of “Amplifier Worship”, that guidance has been revealed: a full length tour for performing all of the songs on the album in a double-drum-format Drone Set.

As a pioneering effort in Drone Metal, a palace under the name of “Amplifier Worship” was constructed and revealed as both a point of departure as well as a destination. Amplified oscillations and volume, going from anguish to pleasure and back, being in fear as well as in awe at what can be called heavy— we venture into this palace of worship together.
For this tour Boris are taking along Starcrawler, a band that intensifies the prayer of rock ‘n’ roll. This only takes us further into the “beyond,” embarking on this worship service. Welcome to the ceremony!

“and 2 Years Later”

In 1994, a live recording on 8-track analog open-reel tape was unearthed and released.
After Pandemic, the formation with Atsuo in charge of Vocal is becoming a standard set.
For the first four years after Boris was formed, Atsuo was originally in charge of Vocal.
In 1996, drummer Nagata left the band, and Atsuo became the drummer and vocalist.
Boris, who had been self-recording since the beginning, brought an open-reel analog 8-track tape recorder to the venue to record.
This is a documentary album made two years after the beginning.

