Blackmeans x Boris “Vegan Leather Zip Pants”
2021.09.13 [Information]
Just started pre-ordering Vegan lether Zip pants in collaboration with Boris and Japanese leather brand Blackmeans.
This is reservation item. The deadline is until Sept 25th(JST). Release is scheduled for January 2022.■blackmeans-x-boris_vegan-leather-pants■/今や日本を代表するレザーブランドの一つblackmeansとBorisのコラボレーションによる、ヴィーガンレザーを用いたZIP PANTSが発売される。本日からプリオーダーをスタート。
Zip Pants, a standard product in the Blackmeans line since the establishment of the brand, has broken new ground with the usage of vegan leather.
The reason why Blackmeans has gone the vegan leather route for the first time is connected to Atsuo of Boris, who has continued his musician life as a vegan for the past 17 years. After supporting each other’s creativity over the course of a year the time had finally come to launch a product together. This collaboration on vegan leather Zip Pants features a patch of the Boris logo for Latest Album “NO” designed by skull artist Kazumichi Maruoka.
Takeshi of Boris has also come to know Blackmeans creator Yujiro Komatsu through punk/hardcore culture, and the two have formed a dense relationship over time. It is surprisingly unknown that ever since they met, they continued to have an affinity for each other’s different fields over the past 20 years.
ブランド創設以来定番アイテムとして発信し続けてきたblackmeansの名品 ZIP PANTSが、異素材のヴィーガンレザーを使用する事で新天地を切り開いた。
blackmeans初のVegan Leatherを手掛ける所以として、BorisのAtsuoのヴィーガンとして17年のミュージシャンライフを継続してきた背景がある。お互いが身を寄せた創作期間一年の時間を重ね遂に世界同時発売の時が来た。今回のコラボレーションzip pants では“No”のアートワークから使用されている髑髏アーティスト丸岡和吾によるロゴをパッチとして採用。