Bongzilla / Boris split 7inch released on today
2022.02.16 [Shop,Information,Media]
Special Announcement. Bongzilla and Boris have released a new 7 Inch Split Record. It’s out now and available for order today! This 7 inch will be co-released by Gungeon Records and Totem Cat Records in the US and Europe. The Bongzilla track is an alternate mix of their song – “Weedsconsin.” The Boris track is a cover song called “Down the Road,” by an old band from Iowa called “Truth and Janey.” This release is dedicated to the memory of John Hopkins.
US Pressing will be available at – Limited 666 Copies – 150 Green, 150 Purple, 200 White, 166 Clear
European Pressing will be available at – Limited 500 Copies – 150 Neon Green, 150 Neon Purple, and 200 Exclusive Split Color (Blue / Red)
両バンドの友人であり、2020年に他界したサウンドエンジニアJohn Hopkinsに捧げられたSplit 7inch.
BongzillaはJohnのレコーディングによる楽曲。Borisは互いが敬愛したバンド”Truth and Janey”の楽曲をカヴァー。
US バージョンとEUROバージョンでは、プレス枚数、ジャケット仕様、ヴァイナルの仕様、カラーが異なる。
[US version]
Boris Purple 150 / Bongzilla Green 150 / White 200 / Clear 166 (Total 666 limited press)
*– nyd –では全色販売
[Euro version]
Boris edition neon purple limited 150/ Bongzilla edition neon green limited 150, Totem cat edition sky blue & maroon limited 200
*– nyd –ではBoris edition neon purpleのみ販売