Oct 7th (Fri), New release on bandcamp
2022.10.07 [Information,Media]
The 2nd installment of the Boris Bandcamp Archive Season 5 is a high-resolution digital master of Phenomenons Drive, our vinyl-only release originally out in 2018 on Hello From The Gutter and reissued in 2020 by Dog Knights Productions out of the UK.
BandcampアーカイブSeason5第2弾は、2018年にHello From The Gutterからアナログ限定でリリース、2020年にイギリスのDog Knights Productionsからリイシューされた『Phenomenons Drive』をハイ・レゾリューション・マスターにて公開。

Phenomenons Drive FAS-063
In 2017, the year before this was released, Boris celebrated our 25th anniversary as a band, releasing our album “DEAR” in commemoration. We underwent our largest tour ever, making many new encounters with fans and listeners all over the world. At the same time we reunited with old friends, our relationships freshly reinvigorated.
This was a period when our consciousness went even deeper into depths of rock, progressing further in our pursuit of off-the-grid musical expression. Through the course of events, it became inevitable for us to release “Phenomenons Drive” through Hello From The Gutter, a label that we’ve had a close friendship with since the early days of our formation. With its unwavering determination and aesthetics over many years of operation, this label should be called, “The conscience of the Japanese underground scene.” The label’s approach resonates with us, and there are a lot characteristics of that approach that we share.
Hello From The Gutter issued 600 copies in limited clear vinyl format which immediately sold out. In addition to the BPM-dissolving title track, “Phenomenons Drive”, also included is our cover of “Sanpo” by Katsurei, a band we’ve played with who are a hidden treasure of Japanese psychedelic rock. Your consciousness becomes hazy from these songs that seem to lose their way inside a world with no basis of time, and before long perhaps some form of enlightenment will be projected upon your eardrum.
そうした流れの中、結成初期から親交の深い“Hello From The Gutter”から『Phenomenons Drive』をリリースしたのは必然だった。
Hello From The Gutterからのオリジナルは600枚限定クリア・カラーヴァイナルというフォーマットでリリースされ、即ソールドアウトに。
BPMが完全に溶解するタイトル曲「Phenomenons Drive」に加え、この頃共演もしている日本サイケデリック・ロックの至宝”割礼”のカヴァー「散歩」を収録。時間軸の無い世界の奥へ迷い込むような楽曲群に意識は朦朧とし、やがてあなたの鼓膜には涅槃の風景が映し出されることだろう。