
2024年2月15日 “hello there” tour -premium- 開催決定

2023.12.20 [Information,Shows]

COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS x Borisコラボレーション・アルバム一般発売後の2月にツアーの追加公演が決定!
両者による特殊セルフ・カバー・コラボレーション・アルバム“hello there” のリリースを記念して11月に行なわれた東名阪ツアーは各地盛況のうちに終了。スペシャルゲストに明日の叙景を迎えたツアーでは現行音楽シーンの先鋭/異端といえる3バンドが集い、それぞれが持つHeavy RockDeath/Black MetalHard Core、シューゲイズ、アニソン、J-Popなど様々な文脈を集束/乱反射させた、世界でも類を見ない内容となった。三者三様な音の佇まいや活動の時間軸は違えども、根底に流れる「血」は、エクストリーム・ミュージックの歴史と未来を鮮烈に提示した。
ツアーにおいてアルバムが先行発売され、既に手にしたオーディエンスからは絶賛の嵐が巻き起こっている。2024124日の一般発売を待ち望むリスナーが多い中、発売後の215日に“hello there” tour -premium-と銘打った追加公演が新代田FEVERにてU-desper recordsとの共同で開催されることが決定した。今回の公演はよりオーディエンスに近接する規模で行なわれ、COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS Borisの生音を直接肌で体感するショウとなる。ツアー先行、スプリット・アルバム・リリースを経て、両バンドのまさに蜜月の只中で行われる“hello there” tour -premium- 。それぞれに趣向を凝らしたスペシャル・ロングセットが予定されており、彼らが見せつけるさらなる未来のカタチとその高まりを堪能して欲しい。更にDJとして両者に浅からぬ縁のある掟ポルシェの出演も決定。

COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS x Boris collaboration album will be on sale to the general public in February!
In November, Boris and COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS toured Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka in celebration of the release of their special self-cover collaboration album “hello there,” and the tour was a great success. The tour, which featured special guest Asu No Jokei, brought together three bands that can be considered cutting-edge/heretical in the current music scene, and converged/diffused various contexts such as heavy rock, death/black metal, hard core, shoegaze, anime songs, and J-pop, resulting in a content that is unparalleled in the world. The contents of the album are unparalleled in the world. Despite the differences in the three groups’ sound and timeframes, the “blood” that flows in the base of their music vividly presents the history and future of extreme music.

The album was released in advance during the tour, and has already received rave reviews from the audiences who have already had a chance to hold it in their hands. The “hello there” tour – premium – will be held at Shindaita FEVER in Tokyo on February 15. This show will be held on a larger scale, closer to the audience, so that the audience can experience the live sound of COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS and Boris directly on their own skin. The “hello there” tour -premium- will take place in the midst of a honeymoon between the two bands, following the release of the split album and the tour. Each band is scheduled to perform a special long set, each with its own twist, and we hope that you will enjoy the future shape of the two bands and the heightened excitement they will show us. In addition, the DJ for the event will be Code Porsche, who has a close relationship with the two groups. Don’t miss this night that will literally be a “premium” event, with tickets sure to sell out immediately.

2024, 15 th Jan, (Thu) at ShindaitaFEVER in Tokyo 東京・新代田FEVER

出演:COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS, Boris, and DJ 掟ポルシェ

Open 18:30 / Start 19:30
Ticket:ADV ¥6,900 +1d ¥600

チケット先行発売/Advance sale of tickets 2023/12/23(Sat)12:00~
*To purchase tickets, you must register for a Zaiko account (free of charge).

チケット一般発売/General sale of  ticket 2024/1/6(Sat)12:00~