From March 2022 Boris resumes archive releases on Bandcamp.
The first installment of the 4th season of the Boris Bandcamp archive is “1985”, which was sold only in limited vinyl format for members of the then-newly established Boris fan club in 2019, “heavy rock party”. Now the album is available digitally for the first time.
BandcampアーカイブSeason4第一弾は、2019年にオープンしたBorisファンクラブ”heavy rock party”のメンバーに向け、限定Vinylのみで販売していた音源『1985』をデジタルで解禁。
“1985” is an original album that remained unreleased for a long time. It was recorded during the same period as our 2011-released “New Album”.
In 2011 we announced 3 separate albums, each layering various trials of what we imagined as “heavy”. With these various expressive styles, it was a time when we expanded the possibilities of our own Heavy Rock. After completing the 3 albums, we made use of methods outside of our usual environment of amplified sound resonating in the room. We experimented with direct recording that made use of MIDI, synth guitar, electric drums, and so on. We remember that clearly.
“1985” is the 4th album of ours that was unreleased.
In 2019 we launched our first official fan club, “heavy rock party”, and “1985” was only sold as a limited edition vinyl release around Christmas time as a present to fan club members. Now it is available for the first time in high-resolution digital format.
This is a work that gave us a sense of having expanded the map of sound, discovering another layer, and opening up an unseen passage that was not known to the outside world. We’d also like you to listen to this electronic inclination that has accumulated in Boris as a connection to our latest album, “W”.
『1985』は2011年にリリースした『New Album』と同時期にレコーディングを行い、長い間未発表となっていたオリジナル・スタジオアルバム。
2011年は3枚のアルバムを発表した年であり、自分たちの思い描く”Heavy”をキーワードに様々な試みをを重ね、その表現方法を更新、Heavy Rockの可能性を拡張していった時期だった。3枚を完成させた後に、MIDI、シンセギター、電子ドラム等を用いながら、空気を介さない音楽実験に取り組んでいた、そんな記憶がある。
2019年、初のオフィシャル・ファンクラブ”heavy rock party”が発足し、『1985』はクリスマスに”ファンクラブ・メンバーへのプレゼント”として限定Vinylのみで販売。今回はハイレゾリューション・デジタルフォーマットでの解禁となる。