
The new single “Reincarnation Rose” will be released on 17th November from KiliKiliVilla. This CD is a limited release in Japan, and the title song is only for this single.
The title song “Reincarnation Rose” is a song using Wata’s signature FUZZ “Hizumitas” released worldwide from the American pedal brand “EarthQuaker Devices”. TOKIE, known for activities such as RIZE, AJICO, and LOSALIOS, participated in Bass. Furthermore, it is a studio work with a special organization called twin lead guitar with sugar Yoshinaga of Buffalo Daughter who released the album for the first time in 7 years recently. In addition, the coupling song “You Will Know” is a long number that goes far beyond the single range of 20 minutes. I want you to feel the new and vivid colors of the sound. 16-page booklet specifications.

Newシングル『Reincarnation Rose』がKiliKiliVillaから11/17リリースされます。本日より予約受付開始。

タイトル曲「Reincarnation Rose」はアメリカのペダルブランド「EarthQuaker Devices」から全世界発売されるWataのシグネチャーFUZZ ”Hizumitas”を使用した楽曲です。Bassに、 RIZE、AJICO、LOSALIOSなどの活動で知られるTOKIEが参加。更に、先頃7年ぶりのアルバムを発表したBuffalo Daughterのsugar吉永とのツインリードギターというスペシャルな編成でのスタジオ作品となっています。
また、カップリング曲「You Will Know」は20分というシングルの域を遥かに超えた長尺ナンバー。新しく、鮮やかな音の彩りを感じていただきたい。16ページブックレット仕様。

The new single “Reincarnation Rose” on 11/17,  and the Wata signature FUZZ pedal “Hizumitas” on 11/19 will be released worldwide at the same time.

11/17にNew Single『Reincarnation Rose』、11/19にWataシグネチャーFUZZペダル『Hizumitas』、それぞれの通常バージョンが世界同時発売。

The second installment of the Season 3 Boris Bandcamp archive is 2 releases: “Golden Dance Classics +”, adding bonus tracks to the 2 Boris songs from the 2009 split release with 9dw, and also “Tokyo Wonder Land” a full live set recorded at Shibuya Club Quattro in Tokyo (a world-first release) that was an experimental show after finishing our world tour through over 100 locations around the world spanning 10 months from 2008 into 2009, as we headed into a new phase.

BorisのBandcampアーカイブ、Season3 第二弾は、2009年にリリースされた9dwとのスプリット作に収録された2曲に、ボーナストラックを加えた『Golden Dance Classics +』と、2008年から2009年にかけて延べ10ヶ月、世界各地100箇所以上に渡り行なったワールドツアー後、新たなフェイズへと向かう実験的なライブとなったShibuya Club Quattroでのフルセット(世界初公開)を収録した『Tokyo Wonder Land』の2作。

Golden Dance Classics +  FAS-055


Tokyo Wonder Land  FAS-056

“Golden Dance Classics +”
In 2009 following our album “Smile” with a full schedule of touring and appearances at numerous festivals, we began working on “New Album 2009”, which was not intended to be released. This was a period of deep pursuit of an unexplored world of sound, with an engine made from what was processed on the road. Out of this period came numerous split releases, singles, and transitioned to our 3 albums released in 2011.
One of these splits was “Golden Dance Classics”, released by Catune. A rhythm machine of broken language in the background portrays an expressionless Tokyo, and a lonely enthusiasm reverberates in a non-beat fog. This was a landscape we hadn’t yet seen that emerged from a process of brewing in room temperature once we had returned to studio work after our longest tour. The bonus track “Tokyo Wonder Land” is a studio rehearsal take featuring guest guitarist Michio Kurihara, performing a live arrangement. “Akirame Flower” is a live take featuring GOTH-TRAD, who conducted both remix and recording as a low-end collaborator, amplifying the air vibrations of the venue to the utmost limits. In live shows in 2009 and after, these 2 songs took on an important role. We can clearly see the change and contrast after these newly-constructed studio compositions were given life on stage.

“Tokyo Wonder Land”
2008-2009 was a period in which we were engaged in a full schedule of long-term tours while simultaneously making progress at a quick pace on the development of a large number of releases. It was extremely natural that the critical amount of energy which was fully loaded at live shows turned into our genuine musical pursuit and proceeded beyond “heavy rock” in our studio works. The show included in this live release was held at the time we made “New Album 2009”, an “album solely for pure expression and confrontation, without being restricted to anything.” We hope you can feel these new songs as well as old songs built up on tours and at shows along with support guitarist Michio Kurihara, departing from their original sound and taking on a new shape. Looking back on it now, this show was perhaps a starting point for a style that evolves our songs by freely going back and forth between the experimental nature of our studio sessions and the physical nature of our live shows. This was also a conducting wire to our 3 simultaneous releases in 2011, “New Album”, “Heavy Rocks”, and “Attention Please”.


“Golden Dance Classics +”
2009年は、アルバム『Smile』リリース後の過密なツアーや数々のフェスへの出演を経て、リリースを前提としない『New Album 2009』の制作を行い、ロードにおける膨大なインプットを未開の音世界へのエンジンとして、探求を深めていった期間であった。それらは数々のスプリット作、シングル、2011年の三枚のアルバムへと繋がっていく。Catuneからリリースした『Golden Dance Classics』もその一つだった。片言なリズムマシンの背景に立つ無表情な東京と、ノンビートの霧もやの中で鳴り響く孤独な熱狂。それらは最長のツアーからスタジオワークの日常へ戻り、常温で醸造していく過程で浮かび上がってきた、今まで見たこともない風景だった。ボーナストラックである”トーキョーワンダーランド”のスタジオリハーサルテイクでは、サポートギタリストのMichio Kuriharaが参加し、ライブアレンジが施されている。”あきらめの花 -Akirame Flower-“の時を経たライブテイクでは、Low-Endコラボレーターとしてリミックスやレコーディングも共に行なって来たGOTH-TRADがフロアの空気振動を極限まで増幅させた。2009年以降のステージでは、この2曲がライブにおける重要な役割を担うことになった。本作ではスタジオワークで新構築された楽曲が、ステージ上で肉体性を獲得し体温を宿していく変遷と対比がはっきりとわかるだろう。

“Tokyo Wonder Land”
長期ツアーの過密スケジュールと同時進行で、ハイペースで膨大な量の作品を制作していた2008〜2009年。ライブで充填された臨界寸前の熱量を、スタジオワークによって自分達の純粋な音楽探求、”ヘヴィロック”の向こう側へと昇華、深く進んでいったのは極自然な成り行きだった。本作に収められたライブは “何者にも縛られず純粋に、ただただ表現と向き合う為のアルバム”『New Album 2009』を制作した正にその時期に行われたもの。新旧の楽曲が、サポートギタリストのMichio Kuriharaと共にツアー/ライブでビルドアップされ、オリジナルの音響から逸脱し変容していった様子を感じてもらえると思う。今思えば、このライブは現在へと続く、スタジオでの実験性とツアー/ライブでの肉体性を両立させ、より自由に往復し楽曲を進化させていくスタイルの原点であるかもしれない。そして2011年の『New Album』『Heavy Rocks』『Attention Please』3作同時リリースへの導線となっている。

Just started pre-ordering Vegan lether Zip pants in collaboration with Boris and Japanese leather brand Blackmeans.
This is reservation item. The deadline is until Sept 25th(JST). Release is scheduled for January 2022.■blackmeans-x-boris_vegan-leather-pants■/

今や日本を代表するレザーブランドの一つblackmeansとBorisのコラボレーションによる、ヴィーガンレザーを用いたZIP PANTSが発売される。本日からプリオーダーをスタート。

Zip Pants, a standard product in the Blackmeans line since the establishment of the brand, has broken new ground with the usage of vegan leather.

The reason why Blackmeans has gone the vegan leather route for the first time is connected to Atsuo of Boris, who has continued his musician life as a vegan for the past 17 years. After supporting each other’s creativity over the course of a year the time had finally come to launch a product together. This collaboration on vegan leather Zip Pants features a patch of the Boris logo for Latest Album “NO” designed by skull artist Kazumichi Maruoka.

Takeshi of Boris has also come to know Blackmeans creator Yujiro Komatsu through punk/hardcore culture, and the two have formed a dense relationship over time. It is surprisingly unknown that ever since they met, they continued to have an affinity for each other’s different fields over the past 20 years.

ブランド創設以来定番アイテムとして発信し続けてきたblackmeansの名品 ZIP PANTSが、異素材のヴィーガンレザーを使用する事で新天地を切り開いた。

blackmeans初のVegan Leatherを手掛ける所以として、BorisAtsuoのヴィーガンとして17年のミュージシャンライフを継続してきた背景がある。お互いが身を寄せた創作期間一年の時間を重ね遂に世界同時発売の時が来た。今回のコラボレーションzip pants では“No”のアートワークから使用されている髑髏アーティスト丸岡和吾によるロゴをパッチとして採用。


Rocky & The SWEDEN, a Tokyo hardcore company that has had a long relationship with Boris and has been formed for 25 years this year. The other day, they performed with Boris at the 25th anniversary live concert. The Split cassette and his T-shirt set, which were distributed free of charge at the venue, are now on sale. To order, click the link below.■rocky-the-sweden-boris-split-cassette-t-shirt■/

Borisと長い親交があり、今年で結成25年を迎えた東京ハードコア・Rocky & The SWEDEN。先日、彼らの25周年記念ライブに於いてBorisと競演。会場で無料配布されたSplit カセットと Tシャツのセットを販売開始。オーダーは下記リンクから。

『NO World Tour “In Your Head” 2021』

The first installment of Boris’s Bandcamp Archive Season 3 is a live album from the release party for our latest studio album, “NO”. We are releasing the audio from our release party that took place in May of this year as a Bandcamp-limited release in high resolution format.

BorisのBandcampアーカイブ、Season3 第一弾は、最新スタジオアルバム『NO』のリリースパーティーからのライブアルバム。

NO World Tour “In Your Head” 2021 FAS-054

Boris New T-shirts and Tote Bag, now on sale at the  -nyd- .

New merch related to the “flood” can be ordered at Holy Mountain.Please check.

結成〜デビューライブから、Borisと浅からぬ親交がある東京ハードコア“ROCKY & The SWEDEN”が今年結成25周年を迎える。これを記念する2マンライブが

ROCKY & The SWEDEN 25th Anniversary ”MOUNTAIN HIGH”

2021912日(日)at 新代田FEVER
出演:ROCKY & The SWEDEN / Boris
OPEN 16:00 / START 17:00

Boris continue their bountiful output with two monumental vinyl versions of their milestone releases; 2000’s Flood and 2020’s NO.  Third Man Records will release the albums on LP formats on August 27th, and NO will be released digitally through Third Man as well.  Pre-orders for Flood are available here, and pre-orders for NO are available for vinyl here and for digital here .

Hailed as Boris’s “most compelling album in more than a decade” (Pitchfork), NO was was furiously recorded in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic and “surprise” released in July of 2020.  Initially released digitally (with a very limited vinyl run), the album was met with immediate and widespread praise. Meant to serve as a mirror that redirects the negativity of the global lockdown to something more positive, the content on NO can be characterized as “extreme healing music.”
Musically, NO draws from influential noise-heavy hardcore group Gudon, even including a cover of their song “Fundamental Error.” NO is a classic hardcore thrash record and is one of the band’s strongest efforts from start to finish. August 27th will also serve as the release of NO on streaming services worldwide, for the first time ever.

Additionally, on August 27th, Boris will release the highly-anticipated vinyl version of their essential 2000 album, Flood. The album was originally released in Japan on CD only. Delivered in four equally important movements, Flood is simultaneously delicate, dense, undulating, devastating, emancipating, hypnotic and triumphant. Each season of the album has its own sense of place, best revealed listen-by-listen.
On Flood, Boris broaden their vision of musical possibility, with a notable and imaginative influence from visionary American minimalist Steve Reich, weaving in prog, drone and slowcore into a multifaceted symphony. There simply has never been another piece of music like Flood.
These essential pieces of Boris’s extensive catalogue are a must-have for any vinyl collector and any fan of the band.  Look for limited edition vinyl versions of Flood and NO via independent record stores and Third Man Records on August 27th.