The third installment of the Boris Season 3 Archive on Bandcamp comes with 3 releases related to our 25th anniversary in 2017-18.
“Secrets” was an album compiled of previously unreleased recordings, distributed at the final show of our 25th anniversary tour. “DEAR Extra“ was added as a bonus tracks only to the Japanese release of our album “DEAR”. “Japanese Heavy Rock Hits Live -25th Anniversary Show-“ is a completely unreleased multi-track recording taken during our 2018 US tour, featuring a “25th anniversary set” focusing on songs representative of Boris. Each of these releases helps to supplement the time and sound history that Boris has accumulated thus far.
Next year in 2022 we greet our 30th anniversary as a band, but for now as “preparation” we’d like you to listen to these albums. It is the first high-resolution digital release for each of these works.
アルバム『Dear』日本盤にのみボーナストラックとして添えられていた『DEAR Extra』。
2018年のUSツアー時にマルチトラックレコーディングされていた、代表曲を中心とした”25周年スペシャルセット”の完全未発表ライブアルバム『Japanese Heavy Rock Hits Live -25th Anniversary Show-』。
“Secrets” FAS-009

“Secrets” is a special compilation commemorating our 25th band anniversary, distributed to the audience at the final show of our 25th Anniversary World Tour held at Shindaita Fever in Tokyo.
This was as a new album from a standpoint of taking excerpts from a huge collection of unreleased compositions that had been brewing over a long period of time through our accumulated activity, newly constructing them via technique and interpretation of “now”, thus inviting the listener to the next phase. Fragments of unreleased compositions were excessively weaved together, making for an album that can be listened to much like treasure hunting or solving a riddle. The accumulation of concealed time and sound over 25 years of Boris supplements our history in the foreground.
We’d be pleased if you would attempt to unravel the “secrets” of these 4 chapters over 44 minutes. This is the first high-resolution digital release.
“Secrets”は25周年を記念して特別編集され、2018年9月22日新代田Feverで行われた25th Anniversary World Tourファイナルのワンマンライブで配布された作品だ。
“Japanese Heavy Rock Hits Live -25th Anniversary Show-” FAS-057
After releasing our album “DEAR” in 2017, in August of the same year we left on our biggest yet world tour for our 25th anniversary. From the spring of 2018 we took this further with special “Boris 25th Anniversary” shows. April 2018 was our collaboration show with Stephen O’Malley at the Roadburn Festival, and in July we were joined by Merzbow at the Roskilde Festival (this being the first overseas performance as Boris with Merzbow).
In August we held a US tour in which we presented a special “25th Anniversary Set” focusing on our most representative “hit” songs, including longer pieces such as “feedbacker” and “flood”. This release, “Japanese Heavy Rock Hits Live”, is a multi-track recording from this tour. The atmosphere was full of deep emotion and gratification from going through layers of time with the audience, which you can probably get a sense of from the performance as well as from the audience reaction from beginning to end. And now in 2022, Boris will greet our 30th anniversary as a band. As “preparation,” we’d like you to listen to this new live album released to the world for the first time.
This is the first high-resolution digital release.
2018年の春からは”Boris 25th Anniversary”として更にスペシャルなショウを展開した。
2018年4月、Roadburn FestivalにStephen O’Malleyとのコラボレーション編成で出演、7月にはMerzbowと共にRoskilde Festivalに出演(これはBoris with Merzbowとして初の海外公演)。
8月には長尺ナンバーの「feedbacker」「flood」を含む代表曲を中心とした”25周年セット”を披露するアメリカツアーを行った。今回リリースの”Japanese Heavy Rock Hits Live”はこのツアーの際にマルチトラックレコーディングされたもの。オーディエンスと共に年月を重ねた、その感慨と喜びに満ちた空気感は、演奏と終始聴こえる歓声からも伝わるだろう。
“DEAR Extra” FAS-058
Boris’s 25th anniversary album “DEAR” was released concurrently around the world in 2017. The album held a concept of being “music to hand over directly to each listener” with original plans for a triple vinyl release. However, in order to further define the concept of the album, some substantial songs were cut and released as “DEAR Extra“ which served as a bonus tracks that came only with the Japanese release, though these songs were originally planned and recorded for the main album.
As such, these songs were often performed live as part of the “DEAR” setlist, and they resound on the same level ground as the DEAR canon, and should not be considered non-canonical. With these 3 tracks integrated, you can feel the original destination and expansion of “DEAR”. This is the first worldwide release of these tracks.
結成25周年を迎えた2017年、アルバム『DEAR』を全世界同時リリースした。 “リスナーひとりひとりに直接手渡す出会いの音楽”をテーマとしたこのアルバムは、当初アナログ3枚組みにするプランだったが、コンセプトをより明確にする為、大幅に曲をカットした形でのリリースとなった。 今作”DEAR Extra”は当時日本盤にのみボーナストラックとして付けられたものだが、元々これらの曲は”本編”に収録される予定だった。
実際当時のライブでも『DEAR』のセットに組み込まれプレイしており、外典という位置付けではなく、正典と同じ地平に響く楽曲。 この3曲を統合することによって、『DEAR』本来の到達点・拡張性を感じてもらえるだろう。 今回が初の全世界リリースとなる。