
We are going to launch the Patreon
“Wata of Borisheavyrocks”.
Let’s join to us!

The split with BAREBONES, originally released independently in 1996, is being reissued as a 12″,remastered from the CD version of that time.
The release is once again a team effort with Dog Knights Productions.
More details regarding the specifications and preorders for this 12″ will be announced soon.

Dog Knights Productionsと再びタッグを組んでのリリースです。
Originally art work by Uechi (just play design)

The album, never-before-released on vinyl or digital formats, will be available 8/18 (DL) and 9/8 (CD/LP).

21 years since it first surfaced, Boris’ landmark album Heavy Rocks (2022) will finally be reissued. Its original release in 2002 circulated only domestically in Boris’ home base of Japan, leaving worldwide listeners eager for physical copies of the album.  At the time, as record pressings were in production, a fire broke out at the plant and the stamper was lost, rendering the album out-of-print for many, many years — and it quickly became a cult classic.

Now, Boris and Third Man Records are excited to present Heavy Rocks (2022) on LP and digital formats for the first time ever (+ a CD format re-press).  The reissue, out digitally on August 18th and physically on September 8th, was restored from the original TD master.

“Heavy Rocks” is a consistent theme and symbol for Boris, so it is all-too fitting that the now-classic album that first used the term has now come again, at long last.

2002年にリリースされた『Heavy Rocks』(通称・オレンジバージョン)が21年の時を経て、世界初アナログ&デジタル、CDでリイシュー。当時は日本国内のみの流通だったため、海外へは耳ざとい一部のリスナーに届いただけであり、早々にカルトクラッシックと化していたアルバムである。その後プレス工場が火災に遭い、スタンパーが消失するなどの諸事情も重なり長らく廃盤となっていた。今回のリイシューではTDマスターまで遡り音像を一新。今年8月下旬から行われるMelvinsとのスプリットツアーに合わせ、Third Man Recordsからリリースされる。Borisの象徴であり、一貫したテーマでもある“Heavy Rocks”が初めて掲げられた歴史的名盤が今再び。

The release of Heavy Rocks (2022) will coincide with the newly-announced Boris + Melvins U.S. tour this summer and fall.  The bands have circled each other with reverence for many years; they first played a show together in 1999 during Melvins’ first time in Japan, and ever since they have deepened their friendship and enjoyed opportunities to play together whenever possible. This time, for their first ever tour together, Boris and Melvins will be playing a full set of songs from their classic albums: Bullhead from Melvins and Heavy Rocks (2022) from Boris. 

Tickets for the Boris + Melvins “Twins of Evil Tour” will go on sale Friday, June 9th at 10am


今回行われる2ヶ月近くに及ぶツアーではお互いがそれぞれのクラシックアルバム(Melvinsは『Bullhead』、Borisは『Heavy Rocks (オレンジバージョン)』)を全曲披露、Borisはこのツアーに合わせ21年ぶりに『Heavy Rocks (オレンジバージョン)』をThird Man Recordsからリイシュー&リリース。

“Twins of Evil Tour”と名付けられたこの歴史的なツアーは単に過去を振り返るものではない。

On June 16th, Boris and Uniform will unleash their ferocious collaborative LP Bright New Disease.  The album captures the fearless exploration and unbridled power of both bands’ live performances.  Boris’s rock heroics, lysergic sprawl, and monolithic sludge are met by Uniform’s mechanized bombardments and frenzied assaults.  “It sounds like the crystalized essence of both bands at the heights of their creative abilities,” says Uniform’s Michael Berdan. “It is a testament of friendship and hope in the face of a world on fire.

Today, the album’s harrowing second single “Not Surprised” has surfaced.  The track— the album’s closer— was written with its position on a setlist in mind. “I thought it would be appropriate for the last song on the album,” says Boris’s Atsuo, “and I imagined that it would be just as cathartic if we played it at the end of the show as well.”  On “Not Surprised,” the amps are on ten; the sparring drums collide and collapse; everything vibrates to the same gut-liquifying frequency.

Also, 1st single music video You are the Beginning here.

6月16日、Boris x UniformはコラボレーションLP「Bright New Disease」を発表する。

今日、このアルバムのセカンドシングル「Not Surprised」が公開。  この曲はアルバムのクローザーの位置づけを念頭に置いて書かれており、BorisAtsuoも「アルバムの最後の曲としてふさわしいと思った」と述べている。1st single You are the BeginningのMVはこちら。




2023年4月22日(土)Record Store Dayに、Sunn O))) / Boris “Altar”がLP2枚組デラックスバージョンで復活。

このアルバムは2006年10月31日にSouthern Lord Recordsからリリース。
SunnO)))とBorisのメンバーに加え、Kim Thayil (Soundgarden)、Joe Preston (Earth, Thrones, Melvins, High on Fire)、Dylan Carlson (Earth)、Phil WandscherとJesse Sykes (Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafterの両名)といったシアトル音楽シーンの主要人脈をはじめとする、多くのゲストミュージシャン/コラボレーターが参加。
現代におけるDrone Metalの概念を確立した、記念碑的作品を是非この機会に。

Out of print for over 15 years, Altar will finally return on double LP. The album is a collaboration between experimental music groups Boris and Sunn O))), originally released on October 31, 2006 through Southern Lord Records. In addition to major players Sunn O))) and Boris, Altar also boasts an extensive roster of guest musicians/collaborators such as Kim Thayil (Soundgarden), Joe Preston (Earth, Thrones, Melvins, High on Fire), Dylan Carlson (Earth), Phil Wandscher and Jesse Sykes (both of Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter) as well as long time Sunn O))) collaborators TOS Niewenhuizen and Rex Ritter.

“We had a lot of fun making Altar— we transcended all barriers and boundaries to create our own sonic language that still strongly resonates. It was incredibly adventurous for us at that point in time. We played in the moment without a preconceived direction then arrived at a beautifully heavy place together. Altar is a monumental documentation of some early experiments with collaboration. We learned a lot from working with Boris and engineer/producer: Randall Dunn as well as Bill Herzog, Jesse Sykes, Joe Preston etc. We definitely carried those ideas and spirit into recordings that followed Altar.”

最近ではWataとTakeshiが、Sunn O)))とEarthQuaker Devicesのコラボレーションペダル「Life Pedal」のためのセッションを行い、こちらで視聴することができます。(日本語版)

Boris and Sunn O))) continue to circle each other with reverence; most recently, Boris’s Wata and Takeshi did a session with Sunn O)))’s “Life Pedal” which you can watch now courtesy of EarthQuaker Devices.
Watch / share the Boris Life Pedal session on YouTube(English version)

Melvins and Boris on Desertfest NYC !!
We will be performing at the Knockdown Center main-stage on September 16.
Click here for tickets.


Leading independent stoner rock, doom, psych & heavy rock festival Desertfest returns toNew York this September. Hot off the heels of their largest US event to date in May ‘22, theglobally renowned festival will return to the unique space of the Knockdown Center inQueens, alongside an exclusive pre-party at heavy metal institution, Saint Vitus Bar from 14thto 16th September 2023.Headlining the 3rd edition of the festival will be genre-defining trailblazers the MELVINS.With King Buzzo & Dale Crover at the helm ensuring their 40-year status as icons of theunderground, Desertfest attendees can expect a MELVINS performance unlike any other, asthey are treated to the bands’ expansive & iconic back catalogue.Joining them on the Knockdown Center main-stage, with a rare New York performance, willbe Japan’s own BORIS. An exercise in auditory marksmanship for any whom are luckyenough to bear witness, BORIS continue to redefine heavy on their own terms.

本日12/25 12:00~ 追加前売りチケットの販売をスタートしました。

Today 12/25 12:00~ Additional advance tickets sales have started.
*Registration of ZAIKO account (free) is required to purchase tickets.

当初、2019年10月13日に開催されるはずであったZ.O.A x Boris 2マンライブ。

The Z.O.A x Boris 2-man live concert was originally scheduled to take place on October 13, 2019.
The event was forced to be postponed several times due to the arrival of a large typhoon and the new Corona disaster, and was eventually cancelled.
However, despite the announcement of the cancellation, the band and the organizer were trying to find the right time to reschedule the show, since many audiences were still eagerly waiting for the show to be held without refunds.
Now that the situation in Japan is improving, the fourth show will finally be announced.
After a three-year break, “inevitability” is rolling again. The promise will finally be fulfilled.

「Z.O.A × Boris」
2023年 2月5日 (日)  ※2019年10月13日と2020年3月8日、9月22日の振り替え公演

Open: 17:00/ Start: 18:00
前売: 4500円/当日: 5000円  (入場時別途1D代)

Z.O.A【森川誠一郎 (Vo) 黒木真司 (Gt) 篠原貴仁 (Ba) PAZZ (Ds)】
Boris【Atsuo (Vo) Takeshi (Gt&Ba) Wata (Gt) Muchio (Ds)】


12月25日(日) 12時~ ZAIKO



過去に3度の延期 (2019/10/13、2020/3/8、2020/9/22)されていた、Z.O.A × Borisの2マン公演が
現在も手売り及びKOENJI HIGH店頭売りのチケットをお持ちの場合は今回の延期公演にて有効と致します。

また、現在も手売り及びKOENJI HIGH店頭売りチケットをお持ちの方で、

2.過去のKOENJI HIGH店頭売り



boris “fade”

The 3rd album of Boris’s 30th anniversary year, “fade”, will initially be self-released through the band’s Bandcamp page on December 2, 2022.

Boris30周年アルバム第三弾『fade』をBandcamp にて12月2日(金)に自主リリース。

2022 marks the 30th anniversary year of Boris, a year of upheaval as the first post-pandemic year. In this year, Boris put out the albums “W” and “Heavy Rocks (2022)” in succession, and for the first time in 3 years went on tour overseas, playing “rock-like” shows that garnered reactions from around the world exceeding those prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year was the year we realized that Boris, along with music culture itself, strives toward the future, having acquired new possibilities of heavy music. As the conclusion to these 30 years, “fade” will be released as the latest album under the moniker of boris (in lowercase letters).
The wheels, road of rock and innovation that Boris maintains… This release is not bound by concepts of rock and music in general, but could rather be said to be a documentary of the world plunged into the chaotic age of Boris moving forward.

“Break into the present, post-pandemic era. Memories of the world wrapped in disorder and uncertainty already bring feelings of nostalgia. Every individual was cut off from society, but now have returned as one.

Among that disorder like a primitive scenery, did you have fear? Did you doze off? Or in an extreme state of mind, did you even feel some comfort in the solitude?

Among that disorder, did you make eye contact with yourself, or did you not experience such a moment?

Now, wrapped in a thunderous roar, your whole body will be caressed on the way to awakening.

Morning comes.”

Boris結成30周年の2022年は、ポストコロナ元年とも言える激動の1年だった。『W』『Heavy Rocks(2022)』とアルバムを立て続けにリリース、3年ぶりの海外ツアーにおいては”Rock然”としたショウを披露しコロナ以前を上回るリアクションを世界中から得た。
– Borisが持つ両輪、王道のロックと革新性 – 本作はロック、音楽という概念にも捉われず、歩を進めつづけるBorisの混沌時代に突入した世界のドキュメンタリー作品と言える。






Photo by: Yoshihiro Mori

Watch a video for the first single “prologue sansaro.”
ファーストシングルMV「序章 三叉路」

Just announced, Rocky & The SWEDEN / Boris Split LP, released on today!!

“Drive away the worthless course of events. Disregarding the state of the world, this split album was realized from the progression of a fated connection.
The truth of a breathless rivalry produced a provocative outcome.
The CD released in Japan sold out through advance orders.
A world-wide vinyl release is coming out from Relapse Records on November 25th.
You can’t escape. Ready the kill switch.”

“くだらねぇ潮流を吹き飛ばす。世情の沙汰をモノともせず、飛躍した因縁によって実現した今回のスプリットアルバム。息もつかせぬせめぎ合いの真相が刺激的な仕上がりとなった。国内盤CDは、予約にて完売。LPは、Relapse Recordsより11月25日全世界同時発売。もう逃がさねぇ。キルスイッチを用意しろ。”
ROCKY & The SWEDEN was formed by veteran members of the Japanese hardcore punk scene in 1996.
Their debut live performance on September 15, 1996 was a surprise appearance at a Boris-arranged “Fangsanalsatan” event. Boris’s own Takeshi was in fact guitarist “Maboroshi SWEDEN” in the earliest days of the band, which to this day was never purposely concealed, but nonetheless is the “progression of a fated connection” after 26 years, perhaps a “karma” which is no longer escapable.
For more than a quarter-century, they have deepened their friendship, ridding ourselves of and dismantling any fixed notions strictly on their own separate paths. They’ve continued to exist while adding layers to their respective approaches toward innovation.
When meeting up again for work on this split release, we can certainly say that it is the “truth of their history.”
There was no cozy relationship with recollections, and they simply continued to experiment with each other’s sharpened “now”.
The thrilling artwork for the ROCKY & The SWEDEN / Boris split release was done by Kosuke Kawamura, a collage artist who has a deep connection with both bands and is making waves not only in the Japanese world of arts but around the globe as well.
All 500 copies of the Japanese CD release have sold out through advance orders.
The anticipated vinyl version, out from extreme music stronghold Relapse Records, drops on November 25 for worldwide consumption.
The recording includes 4 tracks by ROCKY & The SWEDEN and 3 tracks by Boris. In addition to the standard “Kelly Green” vinyl pressing are 3 limited vinyl colors, as well as T-shirts available from the link below.
These are also likely to immediately sell out, so be sure to check it out without delay.
2000 ltd / Kelly Green Standard Gram 300 ltd / Milky Clear with Neon Green, Forest Green and Black Splatter Standard Gram 200 ltd / Neon Green, Black and White Tri Color Merge with Neon Green, Black and White Splatter Standard Gram

100 ltd / Kelly Green with Black Pinwheels and Black Splatter Standard Gram

日本ハードコアパンクシーン百戦錬磨のメンバーにより1996年に結成されたROCKY & The SWEDEN
国内版CD500枚はすでに予約だけでソールドアウト。待望のアナログバージョンは現代エクストリームミュージックの牙城、Relapse Recordsから11月25日に全世界同時にドロップされる。
ROCKY & The SWEDENは4曲、Borisは3曲を収録。
通常盤”Kelly Green”と更に3種類の限定カラーVinyl、T-ShirtsのPre-Orderが以下リンクにて展開中。

また、日本国内においては高円寺のShop“fuudo brain”の以下リンクからもオーダー可能です。

ROCKY&TheSWEDEN / Boris split LP Relapse recordsからの全世界同時リリース。
通常盤3000円+TAX 限定カラー盤3300円+TAX(国内盤CDは完売)。

『ROCKY & The SWEDEN / Boris Split』
ROCKY & The SWEDEN – Voice
ROCKY & The SWEDEN – Up in smoke
ROCKY & The SWEDEN – Bakugeki blaze
Boris – Blood red
Boris – Killing the observer
Boris – Nosferatou