
My name is blank” Official Music Video from the album “Heavy Rocks“, out on 12th Aug, 2022 on Relapse Records and Kilikilivilla.
The sound image was visualized as a music video by Yutaro, who even worked on “She is burning” video work.





Boris30周年シングルシリーズ第3&第4弾は、アルバム『SMILE』(2008年)、『NEW ALBUM』(2011年)の各アルバムから2曲ずつをセレクト。

Boris / SMILE 7inch
¥1,980 (tax in)
Side A : Statement
Side B : となりのサターン -My Neighbor Satan-

Boris / NEW ALBUM 7inch
¥1,650 (tax in)
Side A : Flare
Side B : Looprider

BORIS celebrate a 30 year career as one of experimental music’s most forward-thinking, heavy, and innovative bands with the new album Heavy Rocks (2022). Continuing their series of Heavy Rocks records, BORIS once again channels the classic proto-metal sounds of the 70’s into something all new.

コロナ禍に突入直後の2020年に制作された『NO』、それに呼応するように連続で生み出された『W』。結成から30周年を迎えた2022年、2枚目の最新アルバム『Heavy Rocks』がリリースされる。『Heavy Rocks』(オレンジ 2002)、『Heavy Rocks』(紫 2011)と10年毎に、Borisは自分たちの思い描くヘヴィロック最新形を提示してきた。”Heavy Rocks”という言葉は自身の姿勢・態度そのものであり、過去から未来に亘る揺るぎないテーマであり、象徴である。

“The world has changed over the last two years. Everyone’s thinking is simpler and pragmatic. Now, it is easier for everyone to grasp what is important to each of us.

We leave it to the future and pass it on. The soul of rock music is constantly evolving. A soul that transcends words and meaning to reach you – instinct, intuition, and fangs.

This is the heavy rock of Boris now.

As we land on our 30th anniversary, Boris continues to evolve, accelerating the latest and universal.

We just keep showing this attitude.”




これが今のBorisのHeavy rock


閉塞されていた世界が再び解かれ、活発な日常を取り戻す兆しを見せる、まさに転換期とも言える今年、この運命的と言えるタイミングで、Borisは最新の『Heavy Rocks』を投下する。未だ混迷を続けるこの時代を生き抜き、自らの血と肉として獲得し具現化した現在進行形のヘヴィロックを。今回は「色」ではなく、過酷な状況を自らの牙でサヴァイブする獰猛な生命の「紋様」を纏い世界に提示する。前作『W』に続きサウンドプロデュースとしてBuffalo DaughterのsuGar Yoshinagaを起用。『NO』のエクストリームさ、静謐な『W』の空気感を塗りつぶし、さらに混沌と”Heavy”に耽溺してゆくワイルド&グリッターな世界を楽しんでほしい

Heavy Rocks (2022) is out August 12 on LP/CD/CS/Digital.
Physical pre-orders are available via HERE and Digital Downloads/Streaming HERE.

日本国内盤CDはKiliKiliVillaから、Vinyl、カセット、デジタルはRelapse Recordsより8月12日にリリースされる。

Just announced, The new Todo Muere SBXV compilation celebrates the disparate threads that Sacred Bones has cultivated over these past 15 years by asking artists on the label to cover one another’s songs. It’s an exhilarating, adventurous collection that emphasizes the spiritual unity of the roster. Boris’ cover of “Funnel of Love” by Jim Jarmusch’s band, SQÜRL. The original is an oldies classic by Wanda Jackson.
Pre-orders start today at
The wonderful album art is by British legend Nick Blinko (Rudimentary Peni).


6月10日発売のBoris30周年シングルシリーズ第1&第2弾は、アルバム『Heavy Rocks』(2002年)、『PINK』(2006年)から。今回の新規カッティングにあたって、TDマスターまで遡ってリマスタリング。各アルバムの代表曲を2曲づつ、改めて7inchフォーマットでシングルカット。


Boris / Heavy Rocks 7inch
1,650円 税込
Side A : Heavy Friends
Side B : Korosu

Boris / PINK 7inch
1,650円 税込
Side A : PINK
Side B : スクリーンの女  ーWoman on the Screenー

From March 2022 Boris resumes archive releases on Bandcamp.

The first installment of the 4th season of the Boris Bandcamp archive is “1985”, which was sold only in limited vinyl format for members of the then-newly established Boris fan club in 2019, “heavy rock party”. Now the album is available digitally for the first time.

BandcampアーカイブSeason4第一弾は、2019年にオープンしたBorisファンクラブ”heavy rock party”のメンバーに向け、限定Vinylのみで販売していた音源『1985』をデジタルで解禁。

“1985” is an original album that remained unreleased for a long time. It was recorded during the same period as our 2011-released “New Album”.

In 2011 we announced 3 separate albums, each layering various trials of what we imagined as “heavy”. With these various expressive styles, it was a time when we expanded the possibilities of our own Heavy Rock. After completing the 3 albums, we made use of methods outside of our usual environment of amplified sound resonating in the room. We experimented with direct recording that made use of MIDI, synth guitar, electric drums, and so on. We remember that clearly.
“1985” is the 4th album of ours that was unreleased.

In 2019 we launched our first official fan club, “heavy rock party”, and “1985” was only sold as a limited edition vinyl release around Christmas time as a present to fan club members. Now it is available for the first time in high-resolution digital format.

This is a work that gave us a sense of having expanded the map of sound, discovering another layer, and opening up an unseen passage that was not known to the outside world. We’d also like you to listen to this electronic inclination that has accumulated in Boris as a connection to our latest album, “W”.

『1985』は2011年にリリースした『New Album』と同時期にレコーディングを行い、長い間未発表となっていたオリジナル・スタジオアルバム。

2011年は3枚のアルバムを発表した年であり、自分たちの思い描く”Heavy”をキーワードに様々な試みをを重ね、その表現方法を更新、Heavy Rockの可能性を拡張していった時期だった。3枚を完成させた後に、MIDI、シンセギター、電子ドラム等を用いながら、空気を介さない音楽実験に取り組んでいた、そんな記憶がある。

2019年、初のオフィシャル・ファンクラブ”heavy rock party”が発足し、『1985』はクリスマスに”ファンクラブ・メンバーへのプレゼント”として限定Vinylのみで販売。今回はハイレゾリューション・デジタルフォーマットでの解禁となる。


Special Announcement. Bongzilla and Boris have released a new 7 Inch Split Record. It’s out now and available for order today! This 7 inch will be co-released by Gungeon Records and Totem Cat Records in the US and Europe. The Bongzilla track is an alternate mix of their song – “Weedsconsin.” The Boris track is a cover song called “Down the Road,” by an old band from Iowa called “Truth and Janey.” This release is dedicated to the memory of John Hopkins.
US Pressing will be available at – Limited 666 Copies – 150 Green, 150 Purple, 200 White, 166 Clear
European Pressing will be available at – Limited 500 Copies – 150 Neon Green, 150 Neon Purple, and 200 Exclusive Split Color (Blue / Red)


両バンドの友人であり、2020年に他界したサウンドエンジニアJohn Hopkinsに捧げられたSplit 7inch.
BongzillaはJohnのレコーディングによる楽曲。Borisは互いが敬愛したバンド”Truth and Janey”の楽曲をカヴァー。
US バージョンとEUROバージョンでは、プレス枚数、ジャケット仕様、ヴァイナルの仕様、カラーが異なる。

[US version]
Boris Purple 150 / Bongzilla Green 150 / White 200 / Clear 166  (Total 666 limited press)
*– nyd –では全色販売

[Euro version]
Boris edition neon purple limited 150/ Bongzilla edition neon green limited 150, Totem cat edition sky blue & maroon limited 200
*– nyd –ではBoris edition neon purpleのみ販売

“Beyond Good and Evil” Official Music Video from the album “W”, out on January 21, 2022 on Sacred Bones Records and Kilikilivilla.
The sound image was visualized as a music video by Yutaro, who even worked on “Reincarnation Rose“, “Drowning by numbers” video work.

本日、2曲入りのクリスマス・シングル「Noël」Sacred Bonesからリリース。これはBandcampでの独占販売となります。このシングルには、ロンドン在住のSSW、Lauren Auderとフランス人プロデューサーDvianceにより新構築された「Pardon?」(Borisの2011年のアルバム『New Album』より)と、BorisによるWham!のカヴァー「Last Chrismas」を収録。
今年リリース10周年を迎えた『New Album』、このアルバムに影響されたというLaurenとDviance二人との長きに渡る繋がりがここに実を結ぶ。
そしてこれは、COVID-19による様々な制約の中で生活している世界中の皆さんへのクリスマス・プレゼント。今年のクリスマスがCOVID-19下での “ラスト・クリスマス “になることを願っています。

Today Boris have shared a two-track Christmas single entitled ‘Noël’, released via Sacred Bones and available exclusively through Bandcamp. The release includes a striking rework of Boris track “Pardon?” by Lauren Auder and Dviance, as well as Boris’ take on the Wham! festive classic, “Last Christmas”.

Boris’ ‘New Album’ celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, and ‘Noël’ sees the delicate crescendo of “Pardon?” given an ethereal, airy rework by London-based singer-songwriter Lauren Auder and French producer Dviance. Auder’s haunting vocals tie with crisp beats and layered strings to create a rich and elegant take on the original track.

This is a Christmas present for everyone who lives with the various restrictions stemming from COVID-19. Here in Japan, it is customary to give gifts at Christmas. We hope this Christmas will be the “Last Christmas” of COVID-19.

Just announcement, New album “W” released by Sacred Bones Records.
Pre-order starts. “W” out on January 21, 2022.
You can order from here. 


In an effort to sublimate the negative energy surrounding everyone in 2020, legendary Japanese heavy rock band Boris focused all of their energy creatively and turned out the most extreme album of their long and widely celebrated career, “NO.” The band self-released the album, desiring to get it out as quickly as possible but intentionally called the final track on the album “Interlude” while planning its follow-up.

The follow-up comes with “W”, the band’s debut album for Sacred Bones Records. The record opens with the same melody as “Interlude” in a piece titled “I want to go to the side where you can touch…” and in contrast to the extreme sounds found on “NO”, this new album whispers into the listener’s ear with a trembling hazy sound meant to awaken sensation.

On all of “W” Wata carries the lead vocal duties. In general the styles on the album range from noise to ambient, as is typical with one of our generation’s most dynamic and adventurous bands, but there is a thread of melodic deliberation through each song that successfully accomplishes the band’s goal of eliciting deep sensation. Be it through epic sludgey riffs, angelic vocal reverberations or the seduction of their off-kilter percussion, Boris will have you fully under their spell. This languid and liquifying sound is perfectly represented in the beautiful Kotao Tomozawa cover art and in suGar yoshinaga’s sound production.

“NO” and “W” weave together to form NOW, a duo of releases that respond to one another. In following their hardest album with this sensuous thundering masterpiece they are creating a continuous circle of harshness and healing, one that seems more relevant now than ever and shows the band operating at an apex of their musical career.




この『NO』の最終曲“Interlude”はそのタイトルの通り次章へ向かうという意味を含んでいる。そして“Interlude”と同じメロディをもつ“I want to go to the side where you can touch…” からスタートする次章=最新アルバムの名は『W』。


サウンドプロデュースはBuffalo DaughterのsuGar yoshinagaが担当。ゲストプレーヤーには日本を代表するBassistのTOKIEを迎え、アルバムジャケットには気鋭のオイルペインターKotao Tomozawaを起用するなど、コロナ禍以前~以後にわたる様々な出会い、必然的な繋がりが実を結んだ作品となっている。
